
For Better Biomarkers

Tissue-Enhanced Biomarker Discovery

Simultaneous unbiased quantification of tissue and fluid samples to enhance discovery of mechanistic biomarkers

Finding mechanistic biomarkers related to disease processes and/or drug mechanism of action in peripheral body fluids is extremely challenging due to their low abundance. To overcome this limitation we have developed TMTcalibrator where diseased or treated tissue can be analysed in parallel with peripheral fluids using TMT 11-, 18- or 35-plex reagents. Using a high level of tissue protein relative to the body fluids, we trigger the mass spectrometer on disease-related peptides and can readily determine whether the same peptide is also present in the peripheral fluid. By having peripheral fluids from different clinical groups, regulated, mechanistic biomarker candidates can be readily identified and moved into validation studies.

Applications Calibrator Sample & Purpose Fluid Sample Species Outcomes
Pre-clinical Biomarker Discovery Cultured cells, tissue materials,Triggering MS/MS Any peripheral biofluids (plasma, CSF) Dog, Monkey, Pig Candidate Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers
Clinical Biomarker Discovery Cultured cells, tissue materials, Triggering MS/MS Any peripheral biofluids (plasma, CSF) Human Candidate Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers

TMTcalibrator Workflow Offers:

  • Enhanced detection of tissue-derived biomarkers in body fluids typically not seen in standard MS workflow
  • Four-point calibration curve for statistical assessment of spectrum quality
  • Allows use of disease-related tissue or cells as surrogate biomarker donor to trigger MS and boost signal of equivalent marker in body fluid
  • Can be combined with a wide range of proteomic workflows e.g. phosphopeptide enrichment to truly maximize signal enhancement
  • Standardized data outputs in Excel and ‘TSV’ files
  • Automated annotation of biological features from UniProt KB, Entrez IDs and Reactome
  • Results in 6 weeks (based on a single TMT 11 or 18 plex of 7 to 14 fluid samples plus up to 4 point calibrator)
  • Simple report highlighting key biological events enriched in the study