Proteome Sciences: Proteomic Analysis for Biomarker Discovery, Validation and Qualification

  • Leading provider of proteomics analytical services using Mass Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Tags.
  • The home of TMT and TMTpro isobaric tags.   We manufacture all TMT 11-plex, TMTpro 18-plex and the newly available TMTpro 35-plex isobaric mass tags reagents.  These are exclusively  sold under license by our partner Thermo Scientific.
  • Over 25 years of experience developing and delivering proteomic tools, services and disease biomarkers.
  • We deliver not just data but sophisticated bioinformatics providing biological insights.
  • Wide range of analytical methods suitable for all protein-related research, independent of sample type or species.
  • Able to detect greater than 8,500 protein in plasma/serum via Super Depletion and TMTcalibrator; translating to the identification of 10 to 50 unique disease or drug treatment specific biomarkers.
  • We work under ISO 9001:2015 for Discovery based Applications and Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) for Targeted Assays as required.
  • Has a global client base of leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic institutions.
  • Have service laboratories in both the US (San Diego) and Europe (Frankfurt).
Unbiased Discovery Post Translational Modifications (PTM) Analysis Targeted Proteomics Speciality Proteomics
Development of surrogate endpoints Disease mechanisms 1,000 samples per week throughput Bespoke protein chemical modifications
Drug off-target effects Elucidation of signal transduction Biomarker validation in large cohorts Bioinformatics in combining multiomic approaches
Drug response Signalling pathway modulation DMPK analysis Biosimilar comparisons
Drug target specificity and identification   Eliminate any matrix effects in ligand binding assays CRISPR/Cas9 Applications
Identification of underlying biology   ELISA type sensitivity in matrix HCP analysis
Patient selection and stratification   Sample multiplexing IP pull downs
Pharmacodynamic efficacy   Single or multiple protein/PTM measurements  MHC peptidomic analysis
Target identification and validation     Off gel Sequencing
Toxicology profiling     Peptidomics
Translational research     Pre-MS sample enrichment 
      Protein Degraders
      Silac and label free applications
      SiRNA Applications

Which Proteomic Service is Right for your Research?  Taking you Beyond the Genome 

Mapping protein expression and modifications that define biological processes to improve research outcomes.

Developing drugs in the post-genomic era faces new challenges to enable faster regulatory approval and development of protein based medicines. Proteome Sciences has developed an analytical proteomic pipeline to provide broad biological context of targets and drug mechanisms based on unbiased analysis of protein expression (TMT LC-MS2/LC-MS3, TMTcalibrator) and phosphorylation (SysQuant®), statistical bioinformatic packages including data modelling (FeaST) and a novel functional analysis tool (FAT). 

TMT based LC-MS2 and SysQuant based proteomics are the perfect tools to support smarter target discovery and validation, characterization of disease models and determination of complete mechanisms of action.

Technology Selector Product
I am only interested in global protein expression levels with the widest coverage TMT LC-MS2

I am only interested in global protein expression levels with the highest quantitative accuracy    

I want to discover patient stratification markers in a body fluid but don’t have tissue

I am interested in seeing global protein expression levels and changes in protein phosphorylation  SysQuant

I am interested in global protein expression levels in disease that the widest coverage in peripheral fluids like CSF

I want to discover early diagnostic biomarkers in a body fluid

I am interested in global protein expression levels with the widest coverage of disease relevant proteins in plasma and serum TMTcalibrator
Top 14 and Super Depletion
I want to validate candidate biomarkers from proteomics discovery projects Targeted Assay Development
I want to routinely measure 5-50 protein biomarkers in tissue or fluid as a single multiplex assay Selection Reaction Monitoring (SRM)
I want to translate biomarkers from a model system to humans Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM)
I have an ELISA and I need to improve LLOQ/LOD due to  assay interferences in matrix  TMT-SRM
I need to screen candidate biomarkers in 100’s to 1,000’s of samples TMT-PRM

Protein expression and regulation of pathway activity cannot be inferred from genomic or transcriptomic data but hold the key in understanding how new agents affect their targets and wider disease biology. Our specialized proteomics workflows can be applied across all aspects of drug development to deliver deeper insights, discover biomarker candidates and enable better decision making.

Measuring Proteins For Better Medicines

Specialised services to enhance discovery and validation of mechanistic biomarkers in peripheral fluids

Precision Medicine requires close integration between targeted drugs and biomarkers providing early and actionable clinical information. Ideally, such biomarkers are mechanistically related to disease and treatment mechanisms, predictive of outcome and measurable in accessible samples, typically body fluids.

For new biomarker discovery we have two key technologies to improve your chances of finding the most useful proteins in your sample matrix of choice. TMTcalibrator  combines protein and fluid proteomics to identify tissue proteins with evidenced availability for peripheral detection. If you only have fluid samples, using TMT LC-MS3 with abundant protein depletion improves quantitative accuracy over other proteomics methods. Irrespective of the analytical method, our suite of bioinformatics tools simplify discovery of new biomarker candidates.

If you already have candidate biomarkers at the protein or peptide level please see below to learn more about our range of targeted mass spectrometry solutions. 

To aid selection of the right tool for your particular challenge we have set out the different classes of biomarker you may need, their intended use and our recommended service product.

Type of Biomarker Intended Use Our Solution
Diagnostic Early diagnosis
Differentiation of disease sub-types
SysQuant (tissue markers)
Prognostic Predicting disease progression
Guiding treatment selection
SysQuant (tissue markers)
Patient Stratification Patient selection for trial enrollment
Guiding treatment selection
SysQuant (tissue markers)
Pharmacodynamic Monitoring of efficacy TMTcalibrator
Already have protein biomarker candidates? Validation in larger cohorts TMT-SRM